August 12

Gym Lingo: A Guide

Across the fitness industry there are a number of standard terms and acronyms and we understand that sometimes this ‘Gym Lingo’ can be confusing. Especially the abbreviations within the functional fitness space. To help you weave your way through the innumerable acronyms and words used we have put together a quick guide below, breaking down the most commonly used lingo along with definitions.


AMRAP: As many rounds/reps as possible

AFAP: As fast as possible

AHAP: As heavy as Possible

DOMS: Delayed onset muscle soreness. Muscle discomfort and stiffness experienced in hours or days after performing (an) exercise.

EMOM: Every Minute on the Minute. A set number of reps are performed at the start of every minute.

FT: For time. Perform an exercise, set or circuit for a given time.

GVT: German Volume Training.

HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training. This refers to exercises which alternate between high-intensity periods and low-intensity recovery periods.

PB: Personal Best. Your maximum effort, usually used when referring to the maximum weight one can lift for a given exercise.

PT: Personal Trainer. These are the coaches you can hire to help you train in the gym.

RPE: Rate of Perceived Exertion. This is a subjective metric used to give an indication of how hard an exercise, set or workout was perceived. The higher the number on the scale, the more intense the exercise.

YGIG: You go then I go.

WOD: Workout of the Day.

1RM: 1 Rep Max. The most weight you can lift for a single repetition. It’s not uncommon to also see 3RM which would then refer to your 3 Rep Max. 


BOSU: Short for Both Sides Up. BOSU balls are the (usually blue) half sphere shaped training balls most commonly used for balance or core training. 

Intervals: A set amount of time in work, followed by a set amount of time in rest.

Tabata: A method of interval training which consists of eight rounds of 20-second, high intensity work intervals, followed by 10 seconds of rest.

TRX: Total Body Resistance Exercise. Training straps with handles usually anchored to a wall or a rack used for bodyweight and suspension training.

Superset: Two exercises performed in succession as part of one set. 

training Equipment

Cardio Machines: All the machines which focus on cardiovascular training (i.e. treadmills, rowers, cross-trainers etc…)

Collar: The attachment that secures plate weights on a barbell, so the weight doesn’t slip off.

Foam roller: A long, cylinder made of foam used for soft tissue massage (which is often called myofascial release).

Free weights: Dumbbells or other equipment used freely as opposed to machines or cables.

Kettlebell: Cast iron weight equipment in the shape of a bell. Used for swings, lifts and carries.

Medicine ball: Firm, weighted ball often used for throwing and catching with resistance. Not designed for slamming on the ground. There are pliable balls called slam balls made specifically for slamming.


Core: In fitness, it refers to the area between the legs and arms. Core training often focuses on  abdominals, but also includes back, hip and shoulder training.

Rep: Short for a Repetition which refers to one complete motion of a given exercise.

Set: A group of consecutive repetitions of one or multiple exercises.

Spot: The act of assisting or watching someone as they perform an exercise, to help them minimise risk.

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