August 12

Why our class membership is so different

As our members will tell you. The class membership at CT is different to any other class membership you will have done before and here is why.

Unlike your run of the mill budget gym where classes are a one off spin class or the classic legs bum and tum class, our classes are all part of a 12 week programme aimed at developing strength, fitness and mobility in a thought out and continuously developing manner!


Tracking your metrics is the best way to improve within any aspect of training. That includes calorie counting, tracking the weights you lift and even fitness metrics like times and distances.

Our members do this through our app where they can see all their upcoming sessions and look back at previous sessions in order to improve on a previous lift, run, stretch etc!

Attention to Detail

Attention to detail is another big part of why our members continuously see benefits across the board. Our classes are small and allow for individualised coaching in areas like big compound lifts, mobility and weightlifting. Individual mobility of pre-habilitation exercises prescribed by our coaches allow for all of our members to understand their biomechanics and lift heavy weights safely with correct form.

Quality Coaching

An exceptional quality of coaching. At CT all of our coaches are highly qualified within numerous areas including strength and conditioning, sports massage, various sports coaching qualifications as well as personal training. We aim to always be involved in some form of CPD, currently this includes physiotherapy degrees, dry needling courses and both British athletics and British weightlifting courses.

Our Community

A core sense of community. We could go on and on about things like facilities, programming and qualifications but at the heart of all we do is a rock solid community including members, local businesses and coaches. Our members drive the standards within the classes and develop friendships outside of the gym. After all the gym is only a small part of our busy lives and in order to become fitter, healthier and stronger we need to surround ourselves with like minded people. It’s no accident that we we seem to have found ourselves as a bit of a catalyst for this sort of situation!

To discover how we can help you get leaner, stronger and fitter simply click on the button below to arrange a free consultation.


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